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Thursday 5 December , by Anton Chekhov. ON THE ROAD На пути We follow the unfolding of the intense conversation in a country inn during a snow-storm between a big, powerful man who is resting there for the night with his daughter and a young noblewoman on her way to her family property nearby. The man has done everything, seen everything and believed in everything, and opens his soul to his fellow-traveller, especially about the role women had played in his life. ENEMIES Враги On a dark autumn evening the only child of the district doctor Kirilov has just died of diphtheria when a well-dressed man arrives at his door in a panic, urgently requesting that the doctor come to care for his wife. Kirilov is completely stunned with despair at what has happened and can hardly talk, but the man insists and Kirilov acknowledges that he is obliged to go with him. When they finally arrive what they discover scandalises both of them for different reasons.

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I was watching the episode of Ugly Betty where she started a blog.. Help much appreciated.. I have a school project for my creative writing class that requires a writing portfolio, but I have no clue how to make one.

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